Mapping the Route: A Month Until Wyrd & Wonder

We are already a week into April, which means everyone’s favourite time of year is less than a month away. That’s right, Wyrd & Wonder 2024 is almost upon us! And I have been cooking up something extra special, that I hope you all will love. First of all, if you don’t know what I’m talking about then check out my announcement post from March. Second, make sure you’re following all of my lovely co-hosts to make sure you don’t miss out on any of the fun: Annemieke of A Dance With Books, Imyril of There’s Always Room for One More, Jorie of Jorie Loves A Story, and Lisa of Dear Geek Place. And lastly, get excited because I have some fun stuff to share with you.

Something Different

If you’re a veteran you’ll know that every year we have a prompt a day to inspire your blog posts, photos, and reading ideas. And this year, as we were throwing ideas around, I was inspired to create a visual for these prompts, and what better way to compile them than a fantasy map? Folks, this is my pride and joy, and I am so excited to finally share it! Here is our very own Wyrd & Wonder map, with 31 locations to act as prompts and inspire your journey.

Mount TBRThe Crossroads
Bite Sized IslandsDragon’s Pass
Swept Away StraitsThe Woven City
The Fountain of YouthGrimdark Forest
Here Be MonstersTwin Peaks
StoryhengeThe Maze of Endless Series
Reaching FingersPirate Cove
The Icy Wastes of Waiting for the Next BookThe Road Less Travelled
Conflict BaySlump Valley
Clockwork CastleStack of Doom
The Epic ShoresThe Waters of the Past
Hero’s JourneyThe Hidden University
The Sorcerer’s TowerThe Shores of Dying Mentors
Cosy CottageInto the Unknown
Lover’s CrossingJourney’s End
Standalone Isle

In the past we have assigned a topic to a date, but we’re keeping things a bit more vague this time around. Maybe you want to create a route for yourself to follow, maybe you want to wait and see what inspires you each day, or maybe you want to go alphabetically. And if you prefer a structure, you can follow the order in which I’ve written them up for reference. And don’t worry if you’re a bit stumped on a few of them, we’ll be sharing a few hints and interpretations in our master schedule. Feel free to use the map in your posts, as long as you credit the artist (me!).


The event hasn’t even started yet but there are already two giveaways to look forward to. First of all, the lovely people at Solaris Books have come through for us once again and are offering a finished hardback copy of Snowblooded by Emma Sterner-Radley, and to celebrate I will be hosting a Q&A with the author so keep an eye out for that in the first half of May.

As well as that, you may know that I am a massive fan of Lucy Holland’s work, and I even hosted an author chat with her during Wyrd & Wonder 2022 after the release of her book Sistersong. Last month was the release of her new book Song of the Huntress which follows on from Sistersong, and I am so excited about it that I am offering a hardback copy to one lucky winner and will also have Lucy back on the blog.

I’ll share more details on how to enter both giveaways in a future post.


We’ve got two readalongs again this year. Annemieke is hosting Sunbolt and Memories of Ash by Intisar Khanani, and you can find more information on her blog. Lisa will be hosting The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, and she’ll be sharing more details in the next few days [link and graphic will be added when Lisa’s post goes live]. I’m going to give it a go and join in with The Night Circus, even though it’s never really appealed to me, because I loved The Starless Sea and what better way to discover something new than in company?

If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up so we know to expect you at the tavern before we set off on what is sure to be another wonderful adventure. And that’s it for now! I hope you’re all as excited as me, and I can’t wait to see everyone’s TBR posts and plan announcements!! Roll on May!


Black dragon by Ehtisham Sajid 

43 thoughts on “Mapping the Route: A Month Until Wyrd & Wonder

  1. What a lovely map! I’m excited to get started and schedule some posts, so this map is helpful for brainstorming ideas early. I’ll keep an eye out for the master schedule, too. May is a busy month for me, so my goal is to get started ahead of time haha.

    And I didn’t know Sistersong is related Song of the Huntress. Do you know if they can be read as standalones? I’m intrigued by the time period in which Song of the Huntress is set. I don’t often see fiction books set so early in the Current Era.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sistersong and Song of the Huntress are standalones but set in the same time period and I think one or two characters from Sistersong have a bit of a cameo.

      I look forward to your May posts! I’m also hoping to get organised ahead of time, but we’ll see how that goes…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This is such a nice concept! It looks like i’ve found out just in time to participate this year o/

    Thank you for organizing it all, it must be an enormous amount of work!!


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